Are you listening?
I'm involved in a study right now called "The Hope Project". Those of you who know me know that I am a Christian and that means that I am called to share the message of the Gospel with all. I am not called to convert others or believe for them - simply to share. This has very broad implications for those whom the message has been shared with as well as those of us doing the sharing.
As a believer I am called not to be a stumbling block to others. What does that mean? I think that it means that there should be nothing about my life which causes others to be confused about the message of God's salvation for anyone who believes in Jesus Christ. I can honestly confess that I do not always behave in this way. I have no doubts as to my salvation. I am continually working on being a mature enough Christian to not be a stumbling block to others.
To quote from "The HOPE Project":
What about you? Are you listening? Maybe you've already made up your mind that God does not exist, or maybe you believe there is a God, but you're unsure about what He is like. For the purpose of our study, perhaps you should ask yourself before you go further, "Am I really listening? Is it possible that there is something about God I've not yet heard or understood?"
God is not silent. He is there for those who seek him. If you seek him you will find him. I read once about a man who had some dental work done and the metal in his mouth and jaw actually picked up a very faint radio signal. As you can imagine it drove him nuts until he finally was able to get back to the orthodontist and have the wires adjusted so that the wires in his mouth and jaw no longer picked up the signal. The radio station was still there broadcasting on the same frequency. The man just chose not to listen.
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened." - Romans 1:20-21
Think about it. Are you listening?
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