AM - Workout (Chest):
Superset 1:- Flat Db Press - 15 x 20#, 12 x 30#, 6 x 40#, 12 x 30#
- Incline Db Press - 15 x 20#, 12 x 30#, 6 x 40#, 7/5 x 30#
Superset 2:- Pec Deck - 15 x 30#, 12 x 40#, 6 x 50#, 12 x 40#
- Cable Pulleys - 15 x 30#, 12 x 40#, 6 x 50#, 12 x 40#
Superset 2 was messy and unorganized - the lack 0f a real Pec Deck in the gym pisses me off - I don't like machines but that's what the workout calls for...with hundreds of thousands of dollars of state of the art machines in this place why the hell do I have to settle for a "Kaiser" pneumatic Pec kinda. Also, its my fault totally for the cable pulley portion being messed up I varied from standing to a seated machine (actually I felt it too much in my shoulders when standing - and a whole lot more in my chest when seated). Anyway - my numbers and reps for Superset 2 are suspect for this week.
Treadmill Run: start out a 4mph and increase .2 mph every minute on the minute
18 minutes (avg 156 bpm)
Missed my Monday regular run, due to going out to eat at lunch time - what a lame excuse - I know. I have absolutely no right to bitch about my weight with that kind of logic.
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