Monday, August 6, 2007

Monday Night RAW

Raw is what my hands are starting to feel - I know, I know someone hand me the barbie doll.

I’ve been reading about KB’s and Max Vo2 snatches (again with the Rif's blog stuff... I know, I know...). Actually, I’d known about Vo2 (via Tim Noakes’ excellent tome “The Lore of Running”), since at least my Army running days. However, I never thought I would be trying to apply it to KB’s. Well … sort of try to apply it anyway…as my results show I’ve got a long, long way to go to really start getting some benefit’s out of this. The first thing I’m convinced I need is a “GymBoss” timer – it’ll have to wait for now.

Warm up: The usual suspects,
Windmills (4lb med ball), TGU’s (4lb med ball), Egyptian’s.

Max Vo2 Snatches
16 kg – 7 reps per cycle (15/15)
10 sets – rest 2 minutes
6 sets – rest 2 minutes
4 sets – that’s enough already !

140 reps Total
4,900 lbs. not bad for my first attempt (with a wall clock at that)



Sometime back RKC Tom Healy told me about walking with the KB in the "racked/cleaned" position he didn't really specify how far...I suppose I really should have asked before I did this but you know... it's ALWAYS better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.

Rack/Clean Walk
16 kg

660 feet left/center racked
660 fee right/center racked

My upper back was really feeling it on the way back – not hurting just feeling it - still I may not have been doing this correctly.

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