Saturday, August 4, 2007

The 16Kg Snatch and the Stoic-in-Training

I told RKC Tom Healy one day while in a session with him to give me plain and mind is kind of like a computer (it's all one's and zero's)...actually - I like simplicity and one reason the KB applies so nicely to what I enjoy doing is its ability to strip away everything but the essentials of training. I don't want to get too zen-like here...but it's beauty really is in it's simplicity for me.

I read on Rif's blog where he was doing snatches (I've been spending a lot of time reading his blog lately...possibly just a phase but the guy seem's dead on to me) So why reinvent the wheel I'll try some of his workout's - here's my results for the latest:


5/5 x 2 – rest 1 minute
5/5 x 2 – rest 1 minute

7/7 x 8 sets (with 1 minute rest between sets)

112 Reps


10/10 – rest 1 minute
11/11 – rest 1 minute
12/12 – rest 1 minute
13/13– rest 1 minute

Reps: 92
3,220 lbs

I thought I could do another ladder (or at least half a ladder) but I was really fried and by the last set I could tell my hip snap was really sucking wind.

I was really spent at this point…but I didn’t realize just how far until…

Just a few.. more... Snatches
1 Minute
I had some visions of grandeur – ala doing multiple sets here..however...turns out I was doing good just to get through one (count’em 1) 1 minute set.

P-Bar Plank 2 minutes

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