Monday, June 30, 2008

A Very Strange Medley...

WEEK One (1/12) DAY One (1/3):
100 for 12 breaths...repeat 3 times.
50 for 8 breaths...repeat 3 times.
25 for 4 breaths...repeat 3 times.
Total: 700 yards
Time: 18:19
HR: ≈152bpm

Combat Conditioning
Hindu Pushups (100 Protocol) - Goal 6 weeks to 100 Hindu Pushups
This is from the site:
Modified for my goal of doing 100 Hindu pushups non-stop. I'll be adding my 20 pullups, 500 Hindu Squats, and 5 minutes of Bridging as I go along. I am forgoing the "initial test" as I want to start at the bare minimum (I have a natural tendency to want to pass where I should be stopping when my form is no longer 100% so I think the bare minimum should be safely within my limits using 100% proper form).
Week One (1/6) Day One (1/3) - Rest 60 seconds between each level:
Level 1 - 2
Level 2 - 2
Level 3 - 2
Level 4 - 2
Level 5 - 4

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