Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Countdown to Muddy Buddy: 18 Days

AM Run
3 miles 40:28
Easy 15 minute pace incorporating:
4 x 50 yard sprints (AFAP)
2 x 100 yard sprints (AFAP)
1 x 200 yard sprint (AFAP)
Finished off with 5 minutes of Furey Joint Mobility Drills
Arm Cleans x 32
Halos x 12
Hip Circle 12L/12R
Arm Swing x 24
Good Mornings w/Hold x 12

Afternoon Session:
Total Time: 58:44 Avg HR 136Bpm
1)FJM Drills:
Arm Cleans x 108
Halos x 12
Hip Circle 12L/12R
Arm Swing x 24
Good Mornings w/Hold x 12

2)Muddy Buddy Prep incorporating Royal Court:
Eliptical Trainer (Hill Profile Level 10) .25 miles
Pullups x 18 (9 Palms Facing out wide grip, 9 Palms facing in narrow grip)
Bike (Hill Profile Level 10) 1.5 miles
Bridging w/Stability Ball 1 Minute
Hindu Squat x 20
Hindu Pushup x 5
Eliptical Trainer (Hill Profile Level 10) .30 miles
Bridging w/Stability Ball 1 Minute
Hindu Squat x 20
Hindu Pushup x 5
Bike (Hill Profile Level 10) 1.5 miles
Bridging w/ Stability Ball 1 Minute
Hindu Squat x 20
Hindu Pushup x 5

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Conditioning and Core

Countdown to MuddyBuddy: 19 Days

1) Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 30 seconds:
Standing Mountain / Windmill (4lb Med ball) / Kneeling Table /Down Dog /
Incline Plane/Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge

2) Stairclimber level 10 x 1/2 mile

3) Broad Jumps - 3 sets of 12: 1st set w/ 1 band, 2nd w/2 bands, 3rd w/0 bands
4) Bike Cascading Hill profile level 10 x 1 1/2 miles
5) Bridging w/Ball 3 x 1 minute
6) Eliptical Trainer (Hill profile) level 10 x .25 miles
* This thing really handed me my butt
7) Towel Crawl 30 seconds alternate w/ small balance ball leg curls 30 seconds x 2
8) More Yoga - Hold each pose for 30 seconds:
Standing Mountain / Windmill (4lb Med ball) / Kneeling Table /Down Dog /
Incline Plane/Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge

Monday, April 28, 2008


1) Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute:
Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog / Incline Plane/Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge

2) Approach Jumps - 3 sets of 12

3) 15/15 x 15 minutes of 1-arm KB Snatch
(30 seconds right, 30 seconds rest, 30 seconds left, 30 seconds rest)

4) 15/15 x 10 minutes of KB Racked Split Squats

5) 15/15 x 15 minutes of KB Swings

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Friday, April 25, 2008


1 Tbsp Honey
16oz water

No AM Run today

1/2 Liter mate w/2 Tbsp half-and-half
1 Apple

15oz water w/3 egg whites, 1 scoop EAS 100% Whey Protein

1 orange

30-45 Minutes before Afternoon Session:
16oz water w/2 Scoops Xyience NOX-CG3

Immediately before Afternoon Session:
16oz water w/10 grams Whey and 1/2 scoop FREE

Afternoon Session:
Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute:
Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog / Incline Plane / Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge

Chinups (Palms facing in) - (8 Reps/ 1 min rest x 2) + 2 Reps for 18 reps total
Royal Court
3 Circuits:
1 minute Bridging (w/Ball) / Wall Walk
25 Hindu Squats
10 Hindu Pushups

Post Afternoon Session:
10oz water w/1 Scoop Dark Matter

Original Recipe Sandwich from "Earl of Sandwich"
2 x 16oz Earl Grey Lemonade
1 bag Salt and Vinegar Chips

Immediately before PM Session:
16oz water w/10 grams Whey and 1/2 scoop FREE

PM Session:
Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute:
Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog / Incline Plane / Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge

1. 4 x 20 Box Jumps AFAP
2. 4 x 20 Lateral Jumps AFAP
3. 4 x 10 alternating between Renegade Rows and Kettlebell Front Squat
using 35lb Db's
4. 4 x 10 alternating between Kettlebell Snatch and Kettlebell Split Squat
using 16Kg Kb

Post PM Session:
10oz water w/1 Scoop Dark Matter

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Conditioning and Core

1 Tbsp Honey
16oz water

16oz Coffee w/2 tbsp half-and-half

16oz water w/10 grams whey, 1/2 scoop FREE

AM Session:
Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute:
Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog / Incline Plane / Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge

Run-4 miles, 56:32, avg hr 137bpm

Post AM Run
6oz water w/1 scoop Cytosport Lowfat Muscle Milk

3 eggs scrambled w/ onion, garlic, mushrooms and a dash of Tom's Red Hot Sauce
16oz mate

One hour before Afternoon Session:
16oz water w/ 2 scoops Xyience NOX-CG3

Pre Afternoon Session:
16oz water w/10 grams whey, 1/2 scoop FREE

Afternoon Session:

Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute:
Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog / Incline Plane / Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge

Prison Workout Jump Rope and Towel Crawl
100 yards Towel Crawl, 100 Jump Rope f/b, 90 yard Towel Crawl, 90 Jump Rope f/b, etc...down to 10 yards Towel Crawl and 10 Jump Rope f/b AFAP

Post Afternoon Session:
10oz Water w/1 Scoop MHP Dark Matter
1 Apple

200 grams roasted chicken breast
1 crown steamed broccoli
1 medium tomato
16oz water

Pre PM Session:
16oz water w/10 grams whey, 1/2 scoop FREE

PM Session:
Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute:
Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog / Incline Plane / Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge

Royal Court
3 x 1 minute rounds:
Bridging/Wall Walk
Hindu Squats
Hindu Pushups

Post PM Session:
10oz Water w/1 Scoop MHP Dark Matter

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


4:45 AM
1 Tbsp Honey
16oz water w/ 10 grams whey and 1/2 scoop FREE

5:00 AM Morning Run:
Easy Pace, 1 1/2 miles, 21:09, avg hr 125bpm

5:30 AM Post Run
16oz water
1 apple

6:00 AM Breakfast
16oz water w/2 scoops EAS 100% Whey

6:30 AM
1/2 liter mate w/2 tbsp half-and-half

9:00 AM Snack
1 orange

16oz water w/ 10 grams whey and 1/2 scoop FREE

Afternoon Session:
Royal Court
  • 3 x 1 minute Bridges
  • 100 Hindu Squats
  • 20 Hindu Pushups

Post Afternoon Session
16 oz water
1 apple

16 oz water w/ 2 scoops Cytosport Muscle Milk

PM Meal
200 grams roast chicken breast
1 crown broccoli steamed
1 tomato
16 oz water

PM Session:
Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute: Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog / Incline Plane / Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge

Broad Jumps: 20 x 3 as far as possible

15/15 x 15 minutes (15 seconds on, 15 seconds off, 15 seconds on, 15 seconds off, repeat) alternating between Kettlebell Front Squat and Kettlebell Deadlift

15/15 x 15 minutes of Kettlebell Clean and Press

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Conditioning and Core Day

4:45 AM
1 Tbsp Honey
1/2 liter water w/10 grams EAS 100% Whey and 1/2 Scoop Nutritox FREE

AM Session
(12) 50 yard sprints AFAP
(6) 100 yard sprints AFAP

6:30 AM
1 apple
1/2 liter Yerba Mate w/2 Tbsp half-and-half

7:00 AM
1/2 liter water w/ 1 rounded scoop BSN Syntha-6

8:00 AM
1 Tbsp Honey
1/2 liter water
1 orange

1/2 liter water w/ 2 scoops Xyience NOX-CG3

1/2 liter water w/10 grams EAS 100% Whey and 1/2 Scoop Nutritox FREE

Afternoon Session:
1) Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute:Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog / Incline PlaneProne Mountain /Supine Bridge
2) 30/30 (30 seconds on exercise 1, 30 seconds off, 30 seconds on exercise 2, 30 seconds rest, repeat) for a total of 15 minutes alternating between Towel Crawl and Towel Leg Curls

Post Afternoon Session:
1/2 liter water w/2 scoops Cytosport Muscle Milk

1 apple

Afternoon Meal
200 grams roasted chicken breast
1 crown broccoli steamed
1 medium tomato

1 orange

PM Session:
Royal Court
1) 3 x 1 minute bridge
2) 100 Hindu Squats
3) 20 Hindu Pushups

Evening Meal
1/2 Liter Mate
1 Serving Pot Roast w/Carrots, Potatos and Onions
1 Medium Bowl Organic Spring Garden Mix w/Vinegrette

Monday, April 21, 2008

Another inspiring story

Nothing like seeing the potential God gives us in action:

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming:
No AM Run

6:00 AM
16 oz water
1 Tbsp Honey

6:30 AM
1 medium apple
1/2 Liter Yerba Mate w/ 2 Tbsp Half and Half

7:00 AM
Plain Bagel (Split & Toasted w/ 2 Tbsp Cream Cheese)
16 oz Water w/2 Scoops EAS 100% Whey, and 2 Egg Whites

9:30 AM
1/2 Grapefruit

No Workout - Nap

2:30 PM
1 Tbsp Honey
200 grams leftover roast chicken breast
1 small crown broccoli steamed
1 medium tomato
16 oz water

Evening Session: Strength -

  1. Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 30 seconds: Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog / Incline Plane/Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge
  2. Approach Jumps with Power Jumper- 3 sets of 12
  3. 15/15 x 15 minutes of 1-arm KB Snatch (30 seconds right arm, 30 seconds rest, 30 seconds left arm, 30 seconds rest, repeat)
  4. 15/15 x 10 minutes of KB Racked Split Squats
  5. 15/15 x 15 minutes of KB Swing

1/2 liter water w/ 2 scoops EAS 100% Whey

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Bad, Bad, Bad Carbolicious evening...

6:00 AM
16 oz Water w/ 1 Scoop BSN Syntha-6
2 ATH, 2 JR
1 Tbsp Honey

1/2 Liter Yerba Mate w/ 2 Tbsp Half and Half

Morning Snack
1/2 Apple, 1 Orange

1 Hour before WOD
16oz Water w/ 2 Scoops Xyience NOX-CG3

pre workout:
16oz Water w/ 10 grams Whey protein, 1/2 Scoop Nutritox FREE

Afternoon Workout:
Skipping 3 Rounds x 1 minute each of:
  • Left/Right/Left/Right
  • Both Feet Together
  • Jumping Jacks

20 Minutes of Matt Furey Exercise Bible

  • V Situps
  • Table Makers
  • Hindu Squats
  • Hindu Pushups
Post afternoon Workout:
16oz water w/ 2 Scoops Cytosport Muscle Milk

PM Snack
Handful Cherry-Berry Trail Mix (bulk from whole foods)
1 Cup Leftover Spinach, Chicken, Mango Dish
1/2 Apple
1/2 Liter water

PM WOD - Strength

Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute:
Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog / Incline Plane/Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge

  1. 4 x 10 Box Jumps AFAP
  2. 4 x 10 Lateral Jumps AFAP
  3. 4 x 10 alternating between Kettlebell OAR and Kettlebell Front Squat
  4. 4 x 10 alternating between Kettlebell Snatch and Kettlebell Split Squat

To quote Ferris Bueller: "This is the part where Cameron freaks...."

Spaghetti w/ Turkey Sausage Meatballs and mushrooms (Serving size:way too much)
Garlic Bread (I didn't ask so they didn't tell)
and the Coup d'Grace: 12oz. Iced Coca-Cola (yeah baby!!)

Somewhat later:
Large bowl of Honeynut Cheerios and Skim Milk

Goodnight and Good Luck...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

5:00 AM - On Rising
  • 16 oz Water
  • 1 Tbsp Honey
6:00 AM - Thursday Mens Small Group @ Starbucks
16 oz Black Coffee

Pre Run:
16 oz water w/ 10 grams whey protein, 1/2 scoop Nutritox FREE

AM Run:
  • 3 miles
  • 39:47
  • Avg 136 bpm
Post Run:
  • 3 Egg whites w/ 1 Whole Egg (scrambled w/mushrooms, spinach, couple dashes Tom's Red Hot)
  • 1/2 liter Yerba Mate w/ 2 Tbsp Half and Half
WOD - Conditioning and Core:

1) Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute:

  • Standing Mountain
  • Forward Flexion
  • Kneeling Table
  • Down Dog
  • Incline Plane
  • Prone Mountain
  • Supine Bridge

2) WOD - Jump Rope / Towel Crawl (AFAP)

  • 100 yards Towel Crawl, 100 Jump Rope
  • 90 yard Towel Crawl, 90 Jump Rope
  • ...
  • 10 yard Towel Crawl and 10 Jump Rope


1/2 Liter water w/ 1 Scoop BSN Syntha-6

PM Meal:
200 grams Chicken
200 grams Steak
2 medium organic tomatoes w/ a couple dashes of Tom's Red Hot Sauce
1/2 Liter Yerba Mate (cold)

Royal Court:

  • 3 x 1 minute rounds Bridging and Wall Walking
  • 100 Hindu Squats
  • 20 Hindu Pushups

Post Royal Court:

  • 1/2 Baked Yam
  • 1 Cup Spinach Mango Chicken Salad
  • 16 oz Water

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No AM Run this morning

On Arising:
16 oz Water
1 Tbsp Honey

Quick Breakfast:
2 Scoops Cytosport Muscle Milk

On the way to work:
1/2 Liter Yerba Mate w/ 2 Tbsp Half and Half

AM Snack
1/2 Grapefruit

1 hour before workout
16oz water w/2 scoops Xyience NOX-CG3

pre workout
16oz water w/ 10 grams Whey & 1 scoop FREE

Midday workout:
1) 3 x 3 minute rounds of skipping:
  • run in place while skipping (left right, left right)
  • both feet together and jump
  • do jumping jacks while skipping
2) Pullups:
  • Pullups (palms facing out) x 10
  • Chinups (palms facing in) x 10
3) Matt Furey Exercise Bible 20 Minutes

Post workout
1/2 Liter water w/ 1 Scoop EAS 100% Whey, 1 Scoop BSN Syntha-6

PM Snack
200 grams leftover Chicken
3 oz Yogurt stick
6 Ritz Crackers
slice Bannana Nut Bread w/ 2 Tbsp Lite Cream Cheese

PM Workout - Strength
1) Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute:
  • Standing Mountain
  • Forward Flexion
  • Kneeling Table
  • Down Dog
  • Incline Plane
  • Prone Mountain
  • Supine Bridge
2) Broad Jumps: 20 as far as possible

3) 12 rounds:
  • 15 seconds Kettlebell Front Squat
  • 15 seconds rest
  • 15 seconds Kettlebell Deadlift
  • 15 seconds rest
4) 15R/15L x 12 minutes Kettlebell Clean and Press

200 grams Tilapia sauteed in EVOO w/ garlic & Chardonnay Vinegar
1 Cup Steamed Broccoli
1/2 liter Yerba Mate

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day

Morning Run 2 1/2 miles easy pace 30:37 avg 140 BPM

WOD - Conditioning and Core

  1. Yoga Routine-Hold each pose for 1 minute: Standing Mountain /Forward Flexion / Kneeling Table /Down Dog/ Incline Plane/Prone Mountain /Supine Bridge
  2. Sprints
    (12) 50 yard sprints AFAP
    (6) 100 sprints AFAP
  3. 30/30 (30 seconds on Ex. 1, 30 seconds rest, 30 seconds on Ex. 2, 30 seconds rest)
    repeat for a total of 15 minutes alternating between:
    Towel Crawl and,
    Towel Leg Curl.

No Bells today

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Fallacy of the "Church" of Oprah

Three verses:
1) Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6

2) Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. - Acts 4:12

3) “You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is on the earth beneath or that is in the water below. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God, responding to the transgression of fathers by dealing with children to the third and fourth generations of those who reject me - Exodus 20:4-5

I can't say that I'm totally shocked by this video - but it is a sad statement for Oprah and the people following her down this path to nothing - she's so lost - and the best case scenario is that she just doesn't realize that she is lost. Oprah's favorite quote from this guy's book is that "Man created God?" I mean really, what is that supposed to be? Even Bertrand Russell, the philosopher and atheist had enough sense to recognize that "Unless you assume a God, the question of life's purpose is meaningless."

The most disturbing part of this video to me is that Oprah admits to having been raised in the church, and apparantly attended until her late 20's. How in the world does a person spend 26 or 27 years in the church and not know the context or meaning of the words. for I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This is the real world muchacho, and we're all in it...

"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart"
- Jeremiah 29:13

If this verse stands out to you, like it does me, then it is a strong indicator that you are being drawn to know God more intimately. I don't know where you are in life right now, but this verse is for each of us. Maybe you question the mere existence of God, or maybe your a believer - I don't know. But I do know that it does not matter with regards to this promise. Wherever you are God is drawing you nearer to him, to get to know his purpose for the world he designed and created, and for each of us in it - both now and after we are finished here. With Jeremiah 29:13 God has made clear that those who seek him with all of their hearts will find him.

Not a great morning since I didnt get my butt into bed until 10:30 last night I couldnt get up in time for my A.M. run (weak, weak, weak...I know - but it is nothing if not true).
On Rising:
16oz Water
1 Tbsp Honey

6:30 AM
16oz PreMixed Cytosport MuscleMilk (Banana Creme)

8:00 - 11:00 AM
1 Grapefruit
1/2 liter Yerba Mate

12:00 PM
- 1st round left right, left right
- 2nd round both feet together
- 3rd round - jumping jacks while skipping

- Wide Grip Pullups (palms out) - 4 reps
- Switch grips while hanging
- Close Grip Chinups (palms in) - 4 reps
- Switch grips while hanging
- Medium Grip Pullups (palms out) - 2 reps
- Switch grips while hanging
- Medium Grip Chinups (palms in) - 2 reps
Rest - Repeat three more times

Pushups and Squats
- Medicine Ball Pushups (left hand on the ball) x 10
- Squats (ball overhead) x 5
- Medicine Ball Pushups (right hand on the ball) x 10
- Squats (ball overhead) x 5
Rest one minute and repeat

Medicine Ball
Round 1 Sit-ups 1 minute
Round 2 Twists 1 minute
Round 3 Knee-ins 1 minute
Rest one minute in between

Shoulder Bridge (Arms folded over chest) 3 minutes
100 Hindu Squats (80 regular - 20 jumping)
20 Hindu Pushups

Treadmill 7.5 mph @ 7.5 incline
Run 30 seconds (approx 160bpm)
Rest until HR drops below 130bpm (approx 1 1/2 - 2 minutes)


Bottle of water during workout

Immediately After Workout

1 liter of water with 1 package MHP "Dark Matter" (Blue Raspberry)

This was a sample I got from Nutrition Depot. This was not bad, seemed to mix easily, digested well. I may pickup a can of this vs. Muscle Milk for my Post workout drink next time.

2:00 PM
200 gm Chicken Breast (Sauteed with EVOO and Herbs de Provence)
1 Tomato
1 Fresh Organic Broccoli Crown Steamed
1 Orange

3:30 - 5:00 PM
1/2 Liter Yerba Mate
1 Apple