Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My First Magic 100 List

It's taken me some time to really "wrap my head around this" so to speak - the ideas for doing this I'd been somewhat familar with before - but I'd never seen or heard someone put them in the proper sequence to actually help me accomplish them.

Now these goals are mine - so I have my reasons for having each and every one of them - even if some of them might not seem like such a big deal to others. Keep in mind these are goals that "I own" so to speak.

Okay so with no further ado here goes - the list:

1) Thank God for my health every day (Real Prayer/Real Listening)
2) Keep a daily food/exercise log every day
3) In bed by 10:30 PM at least 5 nights a week
4) Walk/Run 5 miles daily (following Tim Noake’s book)
5) Incorporate ‘Burn To Live” diet regimin
6) Incorporate Nutritox supplement schedule
7) Incorporate ‘Burn To Live” training regimin
8) Drink 100oz water daily (minimum)
9) Add the Royal Court to the exercise regimen 10 days at a time
10) Block out negative history as soon as I become conscious of it.
11) Cut TV to one show per day
12) Set Alarm to getup and move around hourly during the workday
13) Lose 20 pounds by May 19th, 2009
14) Update blog on a regular basis regarding Health

1) Thank God every day for my family and encouragement to grow closer. (Real Prayer / Real Listening)
2) Do household chores on weekends (husband specific - lawn, garage, yard)
3) Have a designated family night (for the time being Saturday afternoons)but usually a night during the week when family takes precedence over all else for whatever activity we want (movie, game, video, etc.)
4) Go away somewhere together as a family every 12 weeks
5) Eat out with my wife at least once a week (date night)
6) Read to my daughter at least once a week for the time being.
7) Take every phone call from my daughter (Don’t miss even one) and take a minimum of 3 per week with Beth.
8) Clean the garage
9) Finish paining in Bathrooms
10) Paint Master Bedroom
11) Tear out and replace Front Flower/Shrub beds
12) Top Soil/ Aerate/ Fertilize and Maintain Front Lawn
13) AC Cabin Filter for Maxima
14) Buy a new book to read to Amy
15) Clear out dishwasher nightly
16) Clear out laundry nightly
17) Clear out Home Office
19) Learn to Listen More and Speak Less to Beth and Amy
20) Screw up - Take some risks - Don’t be stupid. Just don’t be afraid to make some mistakes.
21) Clear out bedroom daily
22) Nail down carpet
23) Replace carpet
24) Add Water Feature/spa to backyard
25) Re-roof the House
26) Clear out the Attic
27) Replace Back Fence
28) Replace the water heater - with tankless and external filter
29) Get a water treatment system
30) Clean out schedule for some quality time with Beth every day
31) Order House Charity NAMI tshirt - Completed

1) Give thanks to God daily for the opportunity to live and “Live Large”. (Real Prayer/ Real Listening)
2) Read and implement Dave Ramsey’s “Total Money Makeover”
3) Read and implement Tim Ferris’s “The Four Hour Work Week”
4) List real goals from Dave Ramsey, Tim Ferris, and Dax Moy

1) Give Thanks to God daily for the opportunity to “Serve” and “De-Serve”. (Real Prayer/Real Listening)
2) Get involved in the Python community
3) Get involved C/C++ standards body
4) Teach Java at the SIGs again
5) Give presentations on Pearl
6) Teach LISP
7) Read - Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen, et al
8) Read - Data Structures and Algorithms, Aho, Hopcraft, and Ullman
9) Read - Algorithms in C++, Robert Sedgewick
10) Read - The Art of Computer Programming (vols. 1-3), Donald Knuth
11) Read - Code Complete, Steve McConnell
12) Read - Programming Pearls, Jon Bentley
13) Clear out workplace office of all detritus
14) Get in by 7:30 AM or earlier 3 days a week
15) Log on from home and generate/correspond with Richard and/or Shelley nightly
16) Follow Through on Web Conversion (Connections to SharePoint)
17) Finish Photoshop Techniques
18) Learn C# .NET 3.5
19) Learn 2007 SharePoint
20) Be genuinely interested and enthused when asked to participate - let go of the past.
21) Keep mailbox sorted and disposed
22) Keep a notepad to add items to the “Work 100” list as they come up
23) Finish Topaz / Publisher Site images
24) Mess up - Take some risks - Don’t be stupid. Just don’t be afraid to make some mistakes.
25) Update blog and CV regularly on Career moves

1) Thank God daily for the Vision and Desire for Adventure. Real Prayer / Real Listening
2) Play guitar in a band again
3) Run a race 10k - marathon
4) Zip Line at Bastrop
5) Visit Grapevine with Beth
6) Spend a weekend in Roundtop with Beth
7) Go Snow Boarding
8) Learn to drive a race car
9) Learn to ride a motorcycle (harley the same one Jax Teller rides on Sons of Anarchy)
10) Do 20 pullups and 200 situps
11) Get my RKC
12) Get AOS certified
13) Finalize plans to attend one: MDC, SD West, Java One
14) Tour the wine country (Solvang, CA) with Beth
15) Vacation to San Francisco with Beth
16) Learn to Sail
17) Learn to Surf
18) Learn to play the Humble Pie and Cream Hits
19) Blog on adventure growth w/ pictures
20) Get a new electric guitar and amp

1) Thank God daily for the Desire and Opportunity to Learn. (Real Prayer / Real Listening)
2) Read the RLF list (finish and understand) 2009
3) Learn to Communicate better with Beth and Amy
4) Learn to create “Passive Revenue Streams” and “Multiple Sources of Income”
5) Learn Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish and French
6) Finish bedside reading stack
7) Keep up with wsj.com and ft.com
8) Keep up Blog postings for growth and insight on education
9) Actively read the bible once a year w/ notes
10) Go through ‘Wild at Heart’ workbook & finish the movie collection
11) Read ‘Way of the Wild Heart’
12) Watch ‘Pursuit of Happyness’
13) Read Paolo Coelho’s ‘The Alchemist’
14) Watch ‘Coach Carter’

Okay so there they are now on to chopping down some trees...


Sara said...

Who's Dax Moy?

juandissimo said...

I'm so glad you asked. Dax Moy is a personal trainer who also has developed a system for personal goal achievment. It's worked well enough to earn him mention in some top shelf magazines and newspapers and TV spots (real spots not informercials). Anyway, I won't try to sell anyone on the system either they're ready or they're not but I did put a link up to his site on the page. Take a look and hey...thanks for being the 'standup guy'.