Wednesday, September 12, 2007

BOTF - Week Two Day Seven

Off Day - No Workout

Wednesday AM Run:

A little bit different run this morning. We were out of water - due to some miscommunication with Sparklett's and so I needed to get a 5 gallon bottle over to Kroger to fill it up from one of their water treatment machines. I decided to put an empty in the Baby Jogger and incorporate the refill into my run. First all tires were flat. Comes from no use I suppose (after all, my daughter is 14 years old now) . Filled the tires. Hmmm, well (I sort of filled the tires), the left rear was leaking badly from the stem and I decided to make the run with it anyway.

Made it to the water machine in just over 24 minutes - not bad for a 1 1/2 miles or so.

Take into account that on the way back the flat tire lost the stem completely and was coming off the rim for most of the trip. And, I had to incorporate some active rest into the couple of minutes it took me to actually unload, fill, and load the water bottle itself.

Total Time: 45:46 (avg 137bpm)

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