Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Velocity Diet - Day Four

Ok ok the wheels fell off yesterday. It's been a rougher start than I imagined, not because of the diet itself (for some reason I'm ok with the diet itself) but because I didnt start out with the right ingredients and didnt take time up front to prepare properly for my counting of calories, proteins, carbs and fats. Oh well, at least I started.

So... with no further ado...here's today's outlook:

6:00 AM - Breakfast
Omlet (5 Egg Whites, 1 Whole Egg, 2 Tbsp Chopped onion, 1/8th cup organic cheddar)
Calories: 265, Protein: 31, Fat: 13.8, Carb: 2.8

21 Salmon Oil Caps, 24oz Water
Calories: 210, Protein: 0, Fat: 42, Carb: 0

6:30AM - 1 Hot Rox Cap, 16oz Water

10:00 AM - First Shake
2 Scoops Jay Robb Egg White Protien, 2 Tbsp Flax Seeds, 30oz Water
Calories: 270, Protein: 50.6, Fat: 5, Carb: 10

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