Monday, August 13, 2007

Sometimes, You Just Want To Ride...

When I was a kid I was a skateboarder - not in your stereotypical sense though. In those days, we knew that there was a "west coast" scene and had heard the names Adams, Perralta, and Alva but we really didn't have access (in my part of town) to pools, quality ramps, skate parks, helmets pads, etc., Of course we built ramps and what not and we found ditches etc., and would skate them over and over - but what I always most enjoyed was the ride. The absolute freedom of the ride - taking the board out and knowing that you could go in any direction you chose and ride for as long as there was a skateable surface...I often envisioned myself, in those days, riding on a particular segment of US Highway 281 in San Antonio (the other side of town) it was a long smooth surface that just seemed (in my mind) to stretch out endlessly.

Why am I mentioning all of this? I just read a post on The Art of Strength forum:

One of the many reasons I love working with the Kettlebell is that it is the sort of tool that allows me the freedom to do a workout with this same mindset. Freedom. Just pick up the bell and swing, snatch or get up. Anywhere you have enough room, anytime you have 5 minutes. Freedom.

A quote comes to mind from a musician - I am unsure what if any meaning that may have, however:

"I'ma make it do what it do baby"! - Ray Charles
Seem's to sum it up nicely .. just pick up the bell - don't worry about how many sets, reps, pr's (or what have you) constantly. Those things all have well documented purposes and of course should not be neglected but sometimes...let's just let go...get into the groove and "make it do what it do baby!"

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