"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart"
- Jeremiah 29:13
If this verse stands out to you, like it does me, then it is a strong indicator that you are being drawn to know God more intimately. I don't know where you are in life right now, but this verse is for each of us. Maybe you question the mere existence of God, or maybe your a believer - I don't know. But I do know that it does not matter with regards to this promise. Wherever you are God is drawing you nearer to him, to get to know his purpose for the world he designed and created, and for each of us in it - both now and after we are finished here. With Jeremiah 29:13 God has made clear that those who seek him with all of their hearts
will find him.
Not a great morning since I didnt get my butt into bed until 10:30 last night I couldnt get up in time for my A.M. run (weak, weak, weak...I know - but it is nothing if not true).
On Rising:
16oz Water
1 Tbsp Honey
6:30 AM
16oz PreMixed Cytosport MuscleMilk (Banana Creme)
8:00 - 11:00 AM
1 Grapefruit
1/2 liter Yerba Mate
12:00 PM
- 1st round left right, left right
- 2nd round both feet together
- 3rd round - jumping jacks while skipping
- Wide Grip Pullups (palms out) - 4 reps
- Switch grips while hanging
- Close Grip Chinups (palms in) - 4 reps
- Switch grips while hanging
- Medium Grip Pullups (palms out) - 2 reps
- Switch grips while hanging
- Medium Grip Chinups (palms in) - 2 reps
Rest - Repeat three more times
Pushups and Squats
- Medicine Ball Pushups (left hand on the ball) x 10
- Squats (ball overhead) x 5
- Medicine Ball Pushups (right hand on the ball) x 10
- Squats (ball overhead) x 5
Rest one minute and repeat
Medicine Ball
Round 1 Sit-ups 1 minute
Round 2 Twists 1 minute
Round 3 Knee-ins 1 minute
Rest one minute in between
Shoulder Bridge (Arms folded over chest) 3 minutes
100 Hindu Squats (80 regular - 20 jumping)
20 Hindu Pushups
Treadmill 7.5 mph @ 7.5 incline
Run 30 seconds (approx 160bpm)
Rest until HR drops below 130bpm (approx 1 1/2 - 2 minutes)
Bottle of water during workout
Immediately After Workout1 liter of water with 1 package
MHP "Dark Matter" (Blue Raspberry)This was a sample I got from Nutrition Depot. This was not bad, seemed to mix easily, digested well. I may pickup a can of this vs. Muscle Milk for my Post workout drink next time.
2:00 PM200 gm Chicken Breast (Sauteed with EVOO and Herbs de Provence)
1 Tomato
1 Fresh Organic Broccoli Crown Steamed
1 Orange
3:30 - 5:00 PM
1/2 Liter Yerba Mate
1 Apple